The Grealish Waggle (Sports Feel Good Story)

Jack Grealish has used his international soccer stardom admirably. He regularly gives time and money as an advocate for cerebral palsy. 

Before the World Cup, he met with an 11-year-old named Finaly living with the condition. Finlay asked Grealish if he’d celebrate a goal for him someday. 

Grealish, who has only scored once in the Premier League this year, said sure – but how would Finlay know it was for him? 

Finlay asked him to do the worm. 

And Grealish had to admit he really can’t do the worm. At all. And would probably get hurt if he tried. They had a laugh. 

Grealish proposed an alternative. Instead of the worm, what about a waggle?

Good enough, Finlay agreed. 

Now, one has to believe moments like this happen, maybe not all of the time, but where professional athletes are asked to do things that sound nice in the moment but may not stay top of mind. 

But when Grealish scored a goal for England at the World Cup, he didn’t forget Finlay. He did the waggle. As goofy as ever. And the world collectively said, “what was that” and Grealish later explained the story and the dance.

Because that’s what a proper advocate does.  

Can you even imagine those kids losing their minds watching him celebrate that goal – just for them – on the worlds biggest stage? 


The goal wasn’t a simple thing, but the celebration was. 

Do what only you can for your people. Bravo Jack Grealish.