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  • The Mental Shift Once You’ve Been Chosen (Trinity Rodman, USWNT)

The Mental Shift Once You’ve Been Chosen (Trinity Rodman, USWNT)

When you’re competing for a lot on the World Cup roster, the competition gets heated. 

These aren’t your teammates. They’re potential teammates, sure. But mostly – they’re the people who can steal the spot you’re after. 

It’s a slog. If you make it, you can’t keep on competing with these people. It’s easier to say than do. 

Trinity Rodman had a few really interesting things to tell Rog Bennet about this mindset shift. What happens after you’ve made the lineup. When the competition becomes the teamates.

First, there’s the moment you find out you’ve been chosen. The first wave of emotion is accomplishment and relief. You have to relish that feeling. But not for long. Because the next wave is the excitement of getting to work (and the panic of “oh my god I’m doing this?!”)

Next comes the teammate reality. You have to let go of the competitive part – fast. You’re on the roster now. Instead of worrying about being your best self, you have to collectively get everyone around you better too. 

Turns out, the biggest shift isn’t a shift at all. It’s actually a centering standstill. It’s the reminder of why you were chosen. Her quote is perfect, 

[it’s about] not straying away from who you are. There’s tactics, there’s game plans, there’s principles – but you’re here for a reason. You’re here for your talent. You have to use it.

You only get onto high-level teams because of who you are. 

Once you’re there – there’s tactics, game plans, and principles – but never forget why YOU are there. 

Use your talents.