The Rhythm Of Making

It’s a lot of work to make a Thanksgiving dinner. There’s the cooking, the preparations, the growing, and production of all the ingredients – it’s A LOT of work from start to finish. But, the final product is something special. The final product means something.

It’s a lot of work to make a thankful client. There’s the work, the preparation, the learning and growth we do along the way – it’s also A LOT of work. And, the final product is something special. A high-quality client relationship means something.

Scott Belsky says, “enduring and optimizing is the rhythm of making.” For all of the complexities, part of our job is to break down each step into the long haul we have to endure, and the smaller chunks we can more optimally navigate than someone just having a go at it.

It’s not all big Thanksgiving dinners and happy clients, there are tough corn crops and over-heated gravy along the way. If we have a rhythm on our way towards the goal, we know when we are falling off, speeding forward, or making good time.

Professionally we want to stay aware of the rhythm and how we mark the time as we develop our relationships. After the introduction, there’s that first and fourteenth minor service request. How does that connect back to the goal of a positive relationship? How are we optimizing for the short-term focus while ensuring the path towards the long-term goal?

Keep attention on the right things and keep intentions in focus. Enduring and optimizing is the rhythm of making. Keep good time.