The Secret To Good Coaching (Via Nick Sirianni)

Nick Sirianni was building a winning record with the Eagles. He had results to point at, but haters gonna hate, and one criticism of the results was he was getting a “free ride” due to the talent on the roster from before he arrived. 

Impostor syndrome sufferers – have you ever had success then felt like it was (or been called out for it being ) “just lucky” -?! You might know the feeling. 

Ok, you definitely know the feeling.

Sirianni likes to say it like it is. And despite the shot at his skill, his answer is really, really important:

The secret to good coaching is to get good players, put them in good positions to succeed, and help them get better. That’s what the secret to good coaching is.

Whether you’re building a team or taking over a team or trying to get the band back together, you need the right people on the bus, in the right seats, heading in the right direction. 

And not just anyone can pull that off. 

Ps. next year birds, next year.