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  • Three Nigerian Teenagers And The Power Of Tech And Creativity

Three Nigerian Teenagers And The Power Of Tech And Creativity

Three Nigerian teenagers are making short sci-fi films with amazing effects – and, they’re doing it all with a busted smartphone, green screens draped over walls, household items, and the power of “things you can learn on the internet.” You have to see it to believe it.

The three friends, known as The Critics Company, have made a splash on social media where their 10-ish minute short films are being shared globally. Regular kids use the leaf blower to blow leaves, these kids use one to simulate the wind on a body falling from a great height. They’re an inspirational story with important lessons:

        If three Nigerian teenagers can make movie studio quality sci-fi in their backyard, what can we do? We want to think creatively about whatever we can envision, embrace the tools we have at our immediate disposal, and then get to work making. It’s audacious. It’s ambitious. It’s possible.

        Professional services footnote: It’s easy, especially with the breadth of products, to lose sight of the vision of the service model we’re each seeking to offer. One-off product sales aren’t unifying, service models are. Tech can be our friend and the ultimate organizational tool, but it has to be used with a central vision in mind. Our job is to have that vision of the relationships we seek to create, and then execute, execute, execute.
