Toddling: Not Just For Toddlers

Why do we call kids toddlers? Because “to toddle” means to walk unsteadily.

I never heard “toddle” as a standalone verb until Diana Chapman said it. And, I loved how she said it in this context:

You have to give yourself permission to toddle.

Just like a baby learning to walk. It’s not pretty. But the adults cheer and support, they help when baby cries, and they celebrate when a first, second, and third step are strung together.

A toddler is just a name for a developmental stage.

We toddle through all sorts of later stages of life too. It helps to remember what got us through it the first time around.

If your team has a new idea you’re trying to implement, make sure everyone has the space and correctly reinforced feelings while they toddle.

Praise the steps. Help with the falls. Believe in the outcome.