Trial And Error (And Method Man)

I am a pro at screwing up. 

One more time, for the kids in the back:


But, I’m also a pro at recovering. Relatively quickly. To move (always) forward.  

I was searching for an email the other day, stumbled across a different email from another person who I realized I may have needed to follow up with, sent a quick (and hopefully not too obviously panicked), “Can we check on this?” message, only to realize I only saw the first name and had yet another person by the same first name but with a different last name who I needed to check back in on too. 

I call that a typical Wednesday.

But you know what’s really happening on a Wednesday? The crazy experiment I started on Monday is busy getting some results and feedback. 

The goal is to tie (as much as possible of it) up by Friday. 

The week starts with a hypothesis, rolls through all sorts of positive and negative results, and gets entered into the books to kick off the following week.  

If you’re not tinkering and occasionally seeing stuff blow up, bubble over, or almost burn the place down, you’re probably playing it too safe.

Or, if you’re super-organized and this sounds horrifying – respect

I’m just going to assume if you’re here and reading this stuff, you’re also barely hanging on and using the Zen of Method Man to stay focused too. Godspeed. 

Take us away Meth (emphasis added):

I’m hanging off the roof with one hand, losing my grip

Now y’all don’t wanna see me do that, now do you?

Go straight cuckoo and terrorize rap, do you?

I do my best work stressed out and under pressure

Deep inside the mind is where you’ll find my buried treasure