Turn It UP To 11, Or DOWN To -1

range, man

Turn It UP To 11, Or DOWN To -1

The music term - “dynamics” - refers to the range of soft in loud in a piece.

If something has no dynamics, it has no change in volume. You might call it “flat.”

Not flat in pitch, and this is why it’s confusing because the same word can mean different things in different contexts, but flat in volume.

When I hear musical words in other expressions, I can’t help but rethink them musically.

“Quiet quitting.”

Why is it quiet?

Is there “loud quitting” too?

Is it worth having some dynamics here?!

I’m in favor of finding the range to figure out what I think.

If quiet quitting is a thing, I want to know what loud quitting is too.

I want to turn the knob up to 11. I want to turn the know down to -1. I don’t care if the dial doesn’t go that far, I’m curious.

Word choice always matters.

Which means chosen words are worth playing around with until you have a sense of how they’re working.

Turn the knob for yourself.