Why Philly Sports Radio Didn’t Cover The ‘94 World Cup

Philly sports talk radio didn’t cover the 1994 World Cup. It’s a lesson in knowing your audience. 

A disgruntled listener called in to ask, “Why aren’t you talking about the World Cup?”

A WIP personality responded, “Because we’re not in the world, we’re in Philadelphia.”

I’m not saying you should completely narrow your worldview, hide under a rock, and only fortify your community through purely conservative tactics (although it can work, it just gets ugly after a while). 

But I am saying you should understand what most of your people value, and choose when to reflect versus when to lead. 

Philly sports radio didn’t cover the World Cup in 1994 because the Phillies, the Eagles, the 76ers, the Flyers, et. al were way more interesting to their audience than the soccer tournament. 

Odds are that coverage will change in 2026 (and not just because Angelo Cataldi will be retired at that point).