You’re Not Thinking, You’re Just Being Logical

“You are not thinking, you are just being logical.” -Niels Bohr

Just because you can make sense of it doesn’t mean it makes sense. 

Not because the answer should invoke magic or anything. 

But because the answer can be messy. 

I was at a strategy session and we were talking about new clients. 

How to get them. Where they come from. How many will want to sign up in the next year, etc. 

You’ve been in meetings like this. You know what I’m describing. I’m sure of it. 

We, appropriately, reduced the ideas into actionable steps. 

But before we concluded, we spent a moment on all the non-quantifiable stuff that’s led to success before. Because we’ve been successful at this before. The same amount of previous success, repeated, would even be welcome.  

Yes – there are definitely high-impact activities worth noting down. 

But also – there are external drivers. Relationships, indirect efforts, and probably even a few bad habits that contributed to the prior success. We have to think about these too. 

We’re not just robots. It’s an Art Official advantage. Don’t think too hard about it.