Cultish Creative Weekly (6/1/2024)

YouTube, individual identities, and music!

Cultish Creative Weekly (6/1/2024)

Perth Tolle came on The Intentional Investor this week to talk about her journey, from being born in (communist) China, to growing up in America, and how her experience shaped her understanding of “freedom.” She even built a business out of it. Watch/Listen here, on the Epsilon Theory YouTube channel, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Old rappers making new raps. And good ones at that!

Do you know the difference between INDIVIDUALITY and IDENTITY? Because I didn’t.

The Daily Show had a brilliant clip about languaging: It’s A Process I Call Thinking Without Speaking.

The concept of nostalgia showing up and being interpreted different across generations is filling my brain lately. The Apple “crusher” commercial and top 100 albums list make for incredible conversation starters.