Jim O’Shaughnessy Is An Intentional Investor

infinitely interesting, right down to the 17-year-old mentalism career turning points

Jim O’Shaughnessy Is An Intentional Investor

What do you ask the man who has been asked every podcast question?

Jim O’Shaughnessy (aka James, aka JP, aka - just peep the intro) has recorded over 200+ of his own Infinite Loops episodes (I’ve written about multiple episodes here), not to mention he’s made countless other appearances everywhere else (I tried to count and gave up, there are MANY), and suffice it to say, as I did my prep routine for this conversation, I felt the all too familiar sting of… I got nothing. It’s all been done. Even the obscure stuff like when his grandfather got kicked out of college…! But.

Then I remembered the number one rule, for any of these conversations/interviews, for everything that goes into my Personal Archive: you’re the mirror, this is your reflection, f*** everything else.

So the notes got chucked.

The standard Intentional Investor areas of interest were all that matters. I knew I wanted to talk to Jim about his grandfather and his grandkids. I knew I had a funny story from one of his books on my own bookshelf to tell him. I knew if I could just wind him up, especially if I could get him laughing, he wouldn’t want to shut up. If a person can take everything super seriously and retain the ability to get stupid silly, you know I’m going to lean into that. I can reflect that all day long. Full reflection mode was activated, from the moment we pressed record.

I heard some fresh stories here, I think you will too. Plus, plenty of other ones, especially about his youth got fleshed out further than I’d ever heard them. I’ll be awaiting word from Ed Williams, Liberty (Michael G.R.), and Dylano - or anybody else from the OSV camp - if I broke any news. I doubt it, but the point of reflecting these stories, it stands.

Most of all, getting to drill into Jim as a 17-year-old magician, doing mentalist tricks until a woman refused to believe he wasn’t the real deal, I won’t be forgetting that story. It might just explain his passions and trajectory better than any other tale I’ve ever heard him tell. This conversation really cemented its impact in my mind.

Here it is or get it on your podcast player of choice, and here’s to the 6 more parts we’d require if we can ever hope to cover the rest of his incredible life’s experiences (so far!) - Jim O’Shaughnessy is an Intentional Investor, I have proof, it’s live on the Epsilon Theory YouTube channel:

ps. the open call to anybody with a signed copy of Jim’s books where he makes crass claims stands - somebody has to have one of these and I need pictures!