Re-Reading With Osmosis (Colin Chung)

I got a bit ahead of myself with writing/scheduling posts this month, seeing as I’ve had a bit going on (like a job change, read about that here).

Beyond reading books, and then re-reading them, and then listening to podcasts with their authors – there’s one other thing I love to do to keep good information fresh in my mind:

I read Osmosis.

And I also regularly email Colin Chung books in hopes he’ll apply his style of in-depth note-taking for my selfish benefit. Ok, and yours too, assuming you subscribe to his newsletter (and if you like mine, you’ll love his).

I realized I hadn’t said this when part of what sent me down my recent Voss-revisiting rabbit hole was his coverage of Never Split the Difference. Read some of that here. And subscribe to Osmosis / follow Colin on Twitter (@colinyjchung) / tell him I say “hi.”