Setting Goals? Use Less Chores And More Aspirations

Dr. Ayelet Fishbach says how we define our goals matters. 

A well-defined goal will guide our motivations and disciplines. A poorly defined goal will lose us along the way (or maybe even before we start). 

Let’s say we want to save more money. 

Saving isn’t the goal. That’s more of a chore when we get down to it. 

What about a downpayment for a house? Retiring in 2 years? Saving for tuition payments in 12 years? These are aspirations. 

Once we’re clear on why we want something, then we can focus on how we’re going to get there. 

Fishbach tells us to start with the aspirations. Then, never complete the chores along the way without reminding yourself, or whoever else needs to hear it, about what it’s for.