The Obstacle In The Way

The obstacle IS the way. Yeah yeah yeah. But sometimes there’s an obstacle IN the way too.

I can be very stubborn. My analysis has been known to lead to my paralysis. Classifying the obstacles beyond half-remembering philosophical quotes about them and praying for inspiration can help. 

A lot.

When you name it, you frame it. Here’s how I’m labeling the somethings in the way lately.

sidewalk cracks: which pants should I take to this conference? It’s going to be hot outside, possibly too cold inside, and I can’t look like a complete bum. I can lose hours or life on these. They are sidewalk cracks. Commit and step over them. Even if you step on them, no mother’s backs will be harmed. 

Speed bumps: Oh and there are two types – the “what did I just hit” type and the “what is that yellow thing in front of me” type. When you’re moving too fast and somebody starts yelling behind you about something you thought was finished? Usually a speed bump you just recklessly flew over. Check to make sure there’s no damage, but you didn’t slow down and nobody (hopefully) died, so you can politely wave and move on. If you see one coming up, like a question somebody is making seem like a big question but you already know it’s not worth spending time on now, you want to slow down, go over it like a sane and cautious person, and then drive on. There are LOTS of speed bumps in our professional lives.   

ambiguous walls: ambiguous is the point here. They’re a structural dead end. It’s when you have a great idea that you find out isn’t actually even good let alone great and you get a hard “no.” Before you climb, circumnavigate, tunnel under – here’s the key point with walls – consider the energy spent for positive outcome of what you’re about to do. In many cases with walls, you can respect they’re there, and find a new path. 

Obstacles are real. Sometimes the way is hidden in them. Other times the way boils down to how we define and deal with them. Which, extra stoic style, is on us. 

If you’re not being stubborn about this, it’s a liberating thing.

ps. lots of Ryan Holiday “obstacle” and general obstacle riffs available here

bonus, because “the animals I’ve trapped / have all become my pets” is a LINE: