Cultish Creative Weekly Recap (8/31/2024)

sports psych, valuation psych, and me reviewing books like a psycho

Cultish Creative Weekly Recap (8/31/2024)

Seriously, Jessica Yarmey was helping sell mushroom swiss burgers as a vegetarian marathoner before she got back on The Way. Phil Pearlman almost let a bank Chief Marketing Officer job kill him too. How’d they get out of their respective ruts? You just have to hear it:

Usually, when I talk about NYU Prof. Aswath Damodaran I say, “You know, the guy who wrote THE BOOK on valuing modern companies,” and then people look him up and are like, “Oh, hey, you weren’t kidding - he did write the books, plural, that everybody studies!” And now, Jack Forehand and I got to interview him about his latest book (and much more). If you’re a finance/investing nerd, don’t miss this one:

Fresh book review! Now, on one hand, I’ve got a ton of praise for Center Stage: How to Become the Star of Your Practice, by Andrea Moore, Matt Ackermann, and Paul Saganey. But on the other, I’m beefing with Matt Ackermann because I can (that’s what friends are for).

Posts you might have missed:

I’m still on a Minutemen kick, read this and put Double Nickels on.

When Scorsese realized he’d never be George Lucas rich he didn’t just quit. I love this story so much. You can do great work at whatever scale you want to do it at.

Dirty napkins, Bikini Kill, and a first round of several via the new Kathleen Hanna book.

Go make some great art.